3 Practical Tips for Eating Organically on a Budget

Whether or not organic food is better for you is a hotly debated subject. Is the extra money we spend actually worth it? The general consensus seems to be, essentially, “Yes, but only sometimes.” We spoke to a few experts to see how you can best work organic into your budget without spending a fortune. […]
6 Lessons From the First Year of Retirement

Once you get through the first year of retirement, you probably think you can coast for the next 30 years. That’s not necessarily true. This is not the time to get comfortable. Things are never that simple in retirement. As you head into year two, it’s the perfect time to assess what you’re doing right […]
Make Sure Your Money Advisor is a ‘Fiduciary’

If you care about your money, you should memorize the word “fiduciary.” It’s critical if you hire someone to help with your finances. And with the Fiduciary Rule on the chopping block, it’s up to you to make sure your financial advisor acts in your best interest. A Certified Financial Planner® once asked me to […]
How to cut your cancer risk and save money at the same time

Bad news for your caffeine habit: coffee can cause cancer. Brewed coffee has high levels of acrylamide, a chemical shown in some studies to cause cancer — and now coffee chains in California must warn their customers, a Los Angeles judge ruled on Friday. “Cancer warning labels on coffee would be misleading,” the National Coffee […]
3 Outperforming Retailers Bucking the E-Commerce Threat

One of the big narratives in investing today is the rise of e-commerce’s disruption of traditional brick-and-mortar retail. According to a recent analysis by Business Insider, over 6,400 retail stores closed in 2017, with another 3,600 closings projected for this year. And yet, there are a handful of retailers that have not only been surviving […]
3 Attractive Dividend Stocks Whose Dividends Could Double

Good deals on dividend stocks are hard to find in today’s market. Valuations have gotten stretched due to years of low interest rates, as conservative income investors have moved their money out of the bond market and into stocks in search of better returns. While quality high-yield stocks may be difficult to come by in […]
Look How Important the Bundle Is to Pay-TV

More and more people continue to cut the cord, ditching pay-TV in favor of stand-alone streaming services or other forms of entertainment. The biggest reason for cutting the cord is price. Seventy percent of consumers feel they simply pay too much for the value they receive, according to Deloitte’s Digital media trends survey. One way […]
Inside Intel Corp.’s Interesting Collaboration With Spreadtrum

Chip giant Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) tried but failed spectacularly to become a significant player in the market for mobile applications processors. Mobile applications processors combine the key processing elements that a smartphone requires (CPU, graphics, audio, image processor, etc.) along with — in most cases — a cellular modem. Though Intel didn’t succeed in the […]
Brain scans and A.I. confirm that dogs are great at recognizing our emotions

What dog lover hasn’t looked at his or her trusty mutt and tried to figure out what they’re thinking? Researchers from National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City have gotten a bit further toward answering that question than most. Or, at the very least, the team appears to have gained some insight into why […]
Watch NASA’s Mars InSight Lander Arrive at Its California Launch Site

NASA’s InSight lander is one step closer to the Red Planet since arriving at its launch site, where final preparations are underway for liftoff in May. InSight arrived at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on Feb. 28 aboard a C-17 cargo plane, and a new video from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory captures its landing […]