Climate vs. business?

With a federal election call perhaps just weeks away, Angus Reid has conducted a study that indicates Canadians are looking for a government that can grow our resource-based economy, including oil and gas, while looking after the environment at the same time.

The survey found these two issues are top of mind among undecided voters. In fact almost 70 per cent say climate change should be a top priority for whichever party forms government, including four-in-ten Conservative Party supporters. But at the same time, six-in-ten say that oil and gas development should be a top priority alongside climate action.

The study shows that different Canadians lean further to one side of the “economy-versus­-environment” discussion, however in most cases that doesn’t mean they’d ignore the other side completely.

Even among those who said the next federal government should prioritize climate change efforts, three-quarters want at least some investment in the oil and gas sector. And among those who say the energy industry should have the next government’s main focus, four-in-five, a full 80 per cent, still want to see at least some investment in climate change efforts.

To the question of “which party is best to lead Canada on the climate issue,” the Conservative Party is viewed as best by 25 per cent, slightly more than the Green Party at 23 per cent.

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