Digital studio gets rebate

A Halifax-area digital studio is getting a payroll rebate of up to $1.5 million over five years.

Nova Scotia Business Inc., the provincial government’s business development agency, says REDspace Inc. will get the incentive to expand its operations in Bedford.

The company specializes in mobile, web, video and gaming for media brands and networks including Turner, NBC and Sony Pictures.

The government says REDspace could create up to 125 jobs under the five-year payroll rebate agreement.

The company will get a smaller rebate if fewer jobs are created.

The government says REDspace “provides new ways for its clients to deliver interactive experiences” to users.

REDspace was founded by Mike Johnston, a Truro native who returned to Nova Scotia from Boston after the 2000 tech crash.

By last January, his startup had grown to nearly 200 employees.

“We’re an export-driven company and we’re doing it all from Halifax,” Johnston, REDspace’s CEO, said in 2017.

“We mostly work on engaging front-end digital experiences … But we also do the back-end plumbing that’s perhaps less visible and less sexy but drives much of the delivery of streaming video.”

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