Wall Street analysts often give recommendations on equities that they cover. These analysts typically have a deep understanding of the health of a particular company. Taking a quick look at shares of CDW Corporation (NASDAQ:CDW), we note that the current average broker rating is now 2.25. This data is provided by Zacks Research using a ratings scale from 1 and 5. A broker rating of 1 would translate into a Strong Buy. A rating of 5 would indicate a Strong Sell recommendation. This average broker rating may help provide some insight on how the sell-side is currently viewing company stock. After a recent scan, we have also noticed that 4 Street analysts have rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy, based analysts polled by Zacks Research.
Investors may be wondering what’s in store for the next couple of months in terms of the stock market. Bull markets are times when investors may be willing to take some liberties with stock picks. Risk management is typically on the minds of many investors. Investors trying to gain an advantage may be searching for the perfect balance and diversification to help ease the risk and give the portfolio a needed boost. With so many different stocks to study, it may take a while to hone in on the proper ones. Investors will also be closely following the next round of economic data. Investors may be on the lookout for the next major data announcement that either keeps the bulls in charge or ushers in the bears.
Following shares of CDW Corporation (NASDAQ:CDW), we can see that the average consensus target price based on contributing analysts is currently $119.5. Wall Street analysts often provide price target projections on where they believe the stock will be headed in the future. Because price target projections are essentially the opinions of covering analysts, they have the ability to vary widely from one analyst to another. Navigating the equity markets can seem daunting at times. Finding ways to identify the important data can make a big difference in sustaining profits into the future. As we move closer to the end of the year, investors will be watching to see which way the momentum shifts and if stocks are still primed to go higher. Investors might choose to rely heavily on analyst research and corresponding target predictions, or they may choose to use them as a guide to supplement their own research.
Zooming in on the current quarter EPS consensus estimate for CDW Corporation (NASDAQ:CDW), we see that the current number is 1.58. This EPS estimate is using 8 Wall Street analysts polled by Zacks Research. Last quarter, the company stated a quarterly EPS of 1.6. Sell-side analysts have the task of examining companies and providing estimates relating to future results. These estimates carry a lot of weight on the Street, and earnings hits or misses revolve around these numbers. Sometimes these predictions are very close to the actual reported number, and other times they are not. Many investors will be closely watching which way analyst estimates are being adjusted right before earnings. This may provide some insight on how good or bad the numbers for the quarter are likely to be. Investors might want to take a look at their holdings after the earnings reports to make sure that nothing extremely out of the ordinary after combing through the results.
Individual investors might be looking at all the angles in order to concoct a winning plan for the next few quarters. The diligent investor is typically on the ball and ready to encounter any unforeseen market movements. Monitoring recent stock price activity on shares of CDW Corporation (NASDAQ:CDW) we have noted that the stock price has been trading near $114.32. Turning the focus to some historical price information, we note that the stock has moved 5.74% over the previous 12 weeks. Since the start of the year, we note that shares have seen a change of 41.05%. Over the last 4 weeks, shares have seen a change of 5.15%. Over the last 5 sessions, the stock has moved -3.5%. After a recent scan, we can see that the 52-week high is currently $118.52, and the 52-week low is presently $75.33.
Some investors will scour the markets looking for cheap, quality stocks. These stocks can be attractive for investors looking to find a bargain that could turn into a big winner. Investors may be cautious when searching for these types of stocks. Often times, a stock will see a huge jump and then everyone will hop on the bandwagon to buy without checking into the fundamentals. Sometimes this strategy may work out, but in many cases, the stock has already made the run and become too expensive to add to the portfolio. Conducting diligent research and constantly adding to the individual’s overall market education level may help the investor sift through the sea of stocks and find those names that are really worth getting into.