Stantec out of construction

Canadian engineering-design giant Stantec Inc. is selling its construction arm in a much-anticipated deal following a review begun last spring of how to best extract value from the operation it bought 2 1/2 years ago. The Edmonton-based company says it has an agreement to sell MWH Constructors, including its U.K. and U.S. divisions and subsidiary […]
Calgary opens drone park

The sky’s the limit as Calgary opens what it believes is the first testing area in Canada for drones, autonomous vehicles and other technologies. The city has set aside a 50-hectare site in its industrial southeast to offer airspace for an increasing demand from companies and educational institutions wanting to do mass tryouts of commercial […]
5 personal finance tips you should implement by age 25

If you’ve just graduated from college and are new to the workforce, now is the best time to lay the groundwork that will set you on the path to financial independence. If you’re in your 20s, chances are you’re new to the working world and still trying to find your bearings amid other big changes, […]
5 Times Going Into Debt Makes Sense

BOOKS, BLOGS AND financial programs all have a message for you: Ditch your debt. However, some finance experts say that advice is short-sighted. “Debt is a tool,” says James C. Kelly, vice president and wealth strategist with financial firm PNC Wealth Management. He likens debt to a hammer. Depending on how debt is used, you […]
Should I Save or Invest?

When you have extra money, you can do several things with it. You could spend it, save it for a rainy day, or invest it for the future. If you’re trying to increase your wealth, you know that spending is not the best option. But choosing between saving and investing is a little more complicated. […]
Here’s why you shouldn’t retire super early — even if you can

Sam Dogen, a San Francisco-based blogger at the Financial Samurai, retired in 2012 when he was 34. Despite the many perks of early retirement — waking up whenever you want, for example — it wasn’t the easiest decision. Dogen said he suffered an identity crisis after giving up his title as executive director at an […]