Airbnb Experiences boon for business

Traditional tourist operators are looking to Airbnb Experiences to help boost their businesses. The service enables New Zealanders to create bespoke tours they can guide other Airbnb users on. Base Camp Adventures managing director Loz Ogle said joining the Airbnb Experiences platform had proved a boon for the business. The adventure company operates Climbing Queenstown, […]
Canadian company at forefront of VR’s push into sports world

From training with Major League Baseball pitchers to bone-jangling racing on board an F1 car, technology’s potential to revolutionize sport was the hot topic as industry leaders met in London this week. “It’s going to disrupt all aspects of sport that you can imagine,” virtual reality expert Michael Ludden told the two-day Leaders Sport Business […]
Walmart bares all in buy

Walmart says it’s buying online lingerie retailer Bare Necessities, the latest acquisition in its niche-brand buying spree. Walmart declined to disclose how much it’s paying for Bare Necessities, but says the deal will help deepen its expertise in the world of bras, swimwear and shapewear. The company said Friday that Bare Necessities will remain as […]
How to retire early – very early

Retiring comfortably in yours 60s or 70s can seem a high-wire act, so how are some people pulling it off without a wrinkle in their face? The FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement is growing, with more and more people parting from their careers in their 30s and 40s. CNBC spoke to some of these […]
Does It Ever Pay to Take a Demotion?

Most employees have the goal to work their way up at their respective companies. And while that can certainly take time, the idea is to generally be progressing in an upward fashion. Getting demoted, therefore, is usually considered a major career setback and one we’re mostly advised to avoid. But in some situations, getting demoted […]
Tax Cuts May Not Be Boosting Wages, but You Can Still Take Steps to Earn More

The massive tax overhaul implemented earlier this year was designed to accomplish a number of key goals, one of which was to put more money back in Americans’ pockets. And while an almost universal lowering of tax brackets might indeed help workers retain more of their earnings, the thought was also that companies would take […]
Does stock-market volatility make CDs tempting? Read this first

Certificates of deposit might be thought of simply as a safe haven for cash. But they can pack a punch in the right circumstances. Since 1967, certificates of deposit (CDs) have outperformed the stock market about 30% of the time on the basis of a 1-year return period, said Brian Karimzad, co-founder and senior vice […]