That’s one way to get people creating their own Snapchat lenses.

You’re not completely hosed if you missed your chance to attend San Diego Comic-Con… if you’re willing to dabble in some augmented reality art. Snap and DC Comics have launched a DC Super Heroes Challenge that asks you to create a DC-themed Lens championing Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman for the chance to win an expenses-paid trip to San Diego Comic-Con in July. You don’t have to start completely from scratch, thankfully, as there’s a load of DC assets to bring into Lens Studio.
The Challenge is open to Americans, and you have until the night of July 8th to submit your AR masterwork.
This is Snap’s first Lens Studio Challenge involving a big-name brand, and it hints at how the company might spur you to create Lenses in the future — if your artistic muse isn’t enough to make it happen, a tangible reward might. No, Snapchat isn’t about claim a decisive victory over Facebook in the AR space as a result of this contest. However, it might give you a reason to keep returning to Snapchat (whether or not you’re a creator) when you’d otherwise drift away.