Here’s Why Skyworks Solutions’ Shares Jumped 12% Last Month

What happened The semiconductor manufacturer Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: SWKS) saw its shares jump 12.4% in February, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence, after the company’s fourth-quarter sales came in higher than management had expected, the company announced new share buybacks, and net income rose. So what Skyworks increased its revenue by […]
Are These 3 Tech Stocks Wildly Overvalued?

Growth-oriented investors love tech stocks, which outperformed many other sectors over the past few years. However, investors shouldn’t chase overvalued stocks in this sector, which have high multiples that don’t match their growth prospects. Let’s examine two tech stocks which are definitely overvalued, and another one which might seem pricey — but could still be […]
Budget tips to give your home a revamp in time for summer

We all want to look our best for summer and your home deserves it too so follow our budget-friendly decorating tips to get your home summer ready. Before long we will be shaking off the blankets, turning off the fire and putting the thermals firmly away. Little touches can make a big difference so upgrade […]
PERSONAL FINANCE: Fewer deductions for the little guy

Families with children in arts and sports programs — and those taking public transit — are likely going to be forking over more of their hard-earned money to Ottawa this year, say tax specialists. Two tax credits, one for children’s arts and the other for fitness programs, are gone this year after being cut […]
3 Tips to Save Enough for Retirement

Money expert Steven Hughes shares 3 ways you can ensure your retirement will be spent doing what you want and not what you have to do. When we think of retirement, beach trips and relaxation may come to mind. However, the reality for many Americans is having to find another job after they “retire” because […]
College, a time for savings

Many college students may wonder where to start when it comes to managing finances or saving money. With time and an array of resources for students, taking the first step to financial management is an easy one. Financial professionals from the Texas Tech Department of Personal Financial Planning and Tech’s financial literacy program Red to […]