Helicopter shuttle for people stranded on Agassiz’s Sasquatch Mountain
There’s hope for the hundreds of people stuck on Agassiz’s Sasquatch Mountain as they’ve started $150 helicopter shuttles off the hill.
Many skiers, snowboarders and employees have been stranded after a landslide closed the only road in and out of the ski hill. The resort has halted all activity until road crews can assess the extent of the damage caused by the slide.
TRK Helicopters is offering shuttles that will take a minimum of 12 people per run from the hill to Chilliwack Airport for $150 per person, according to a posting on the resort’s website.
As of Sunday morning between 400 and 500 people were on the ski hill and it could take five to six days before cars can travel on the road again.
“As of right now there are multiple areas of concern on our road that are being addressed by the Ministry of Transportation and the Emil Anderson team.”
The resort does have their Molly’s pub and cafeteria open for the day for those still on the hill.
With recent wild winds in British Columbia, the District of Kent in the Fraser Valley has declared a state of emergency due to severe local flooding, landslides and falling rocks.
The flooding and landslides have damaged drinking water infrastructure in the Rockwell Drive to Sasquatch Provincial Park area, the district says.
The resort stated they have enough accommodations for everyone, and its restaurants are serving food, all outdoor activities have been shut down, as medical crews would be unable to respond in case of an emergency on Saturday.
The mountain was closed late Friday afternoon due to heavy rains, wind and extreme avalanche risk.