Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc (NASDAQ:RARE) – Equities researchers at Piper Jaffray Companies lowered their Q1 2020 earnings per share estimates for shares of Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical in a research report issued on Wednesday, December 18th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Piper Jaffray Companies analyst C. Raymond now forecasts that the biopharmaceutical company will post earnings of ($1.34) per share for the quarter, down from their prior estimate of ($1.30). Piper Jaffray Companies currently has a “Buy” rating and a $70.00 price target on the stock. Piper Jaffray Companies also issued estimates for Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical’s Q2 2020 earnings at ($1.30) EPS, Q3 2020 earnings at ($1.27) EPS, Q4 2020 earnings at ($1.28) EPS, FY2020 earnings at ($5.18) EPS, Q1 2021 earnings at ($1.01) EPS, Q2 2021 earnings at ($0.95) EPS, Q3 2021 earnings at ($0.84) EPS, FY2021 earnings at ($3.53) EPS, FY2022 earnings at ($0.50) EPS and FY2023 earnings at $3.26 EPS.
Other research analysts also recently issued reports about the company. Raymond James downgraded Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical from an “outperform” rating to a “market perform” rating in a research note on Thursday, January 2nd. Morgan Stanley cut their price objective on Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical from $76.00 to $73.00 and set an “overweight” rating for the company in a research note on Tuesday, December 17th. ValuEngine downgraded Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Tuesday, October 29th. JPMorgan Chase & Co. reiterated a “buy” rating and set a $75.00 price objective on shares of Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical in a research note on Wednesday, November 6th. Finally, Cowen reiterated a “buy” rating and set a $59.00 price objective on shares of Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical in a research note on Wednesday, December 18th. Five research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and nine have assigned a buy rating to the company. Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical has a consensus rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of $72.42.
NASDAQ RARE opened at $45.13 on Monday. Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical has a 52 week low of $35.41 and a 52 week high of $74.50. The firm has a market capitalization of $2.55 billion, a P/E ratio of -6.11 and a beta of 2.16. The company has a quick ratio of 6.64, a current ratio of 6.79 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.04. The company has a 50-day moving average price of $42.25 and a 200-day moving average price of $48.47.
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical (NASDAQ:RARE) last released its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, November 5th. The biopharmaceutical company reported ($1.96) EPS for the quarter, missing the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of ($1.71) by ($0.25). Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical had a negative net margin of 470.18% and a negative return on equity of 52.16%. The business had revenue of $25.80 million for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $28.88 million. During the same period in the previous year, the company earned ($1.74) EPS. Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical’s revenue for the quarter was up 119.4% compared to the same quarter last year.
Several hedge funds and other institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the company. Vanguard Group Inc. boosted its position in shares of Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical by 2.3% during the 2nd quarter. Vanguard Group Inc. now owns 5,005,872 shares of the biopharmaceutical company’s stock valued at $317,874,000 after acquiring an additional 112,101 shares during the last quarter. Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD increased its stake in Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical by 31.7% in the 2nd quarter. Price T Rowe Associates Inc. MD now owns 4,611,939 shares of the biopharmaceutical company’s stock valued at $292,858,000 after purchasing an additional 1,110,316 shares in the last quarter. Orbimed Advisors LLC increased its stake in Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical by 948.0% in the 3rd quarter. Orbimed Advisors LLC now owns 834,313 shares of the biopharmaceutical company’s stock valued at $35,692,000 after purchasing an additional 754,706 shares in the last quarter. Macquarie Group Ltd. increased its stake in Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical by 19.6% in the 2nd quarter. Macquarie Group Ltd. now owns 797,293 shares of the biopharmaceutical company’s stock valued at $50,628,000 after purchasing an additional 130,561 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Northern Trust Corp increased its stake in Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical by 5.0% in the 2nd quarter. Northern Trust Corp now owns 691,110 shares of the biopharmaceutical company’s stock valued at $43,886,000 after purchasing an additional 32,812 shares in the last quarter.
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Company Profile
Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc is a biopharmaceutical company, which engages in the identification, acquisition, development and commercialization of novel products for the treatment of serious rare and ultra-rare genetic diseases. Its product includes Mepsevii and Crysvita. The company was founded by Emil D.