Trans Mountain ready to go

Construction on the Trans Mountain pipeline has been given a ‘Notice to Proceed’ from the company. That means work will resume immediately at the Burnaby Terminal and on land at the Westridge Marine Terminal. Terminal Specific start dates in the remaining construction areas are subject to final regulatory approvals and permits.

The company directive gives construction contractors 30 days to mobilize equipment and commence the process of hiring workers, procuring goods and services, and developing detailed construction work plans.

“I am pleased to announce another significant milestone for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project with the commencement of construction activities and the issuance of the notice to some contractors to begin mobilizing equipment and crews in select areas in August and September 2019. With the first wave of regulatory approvals complete, we are confident that we have a path forward by which the Expansion Project construction can commence,” says Ian Anderson, CEO of Trans Mountain Corp.

Trans Mountain believes the project will receive clearance of all other outstanding regulatory approvals and permits for the remaining construction areas , which will mean the pipeline will be in service by mid-2022.

“Clearly, this project has been subjected to numerous delays and setbacks over the past several years. With today’s announcement on the commencement of construction, I firmly believe that we are finally able to start delivering the significant national and regional benefits we have always committed to,” adds Anderson.

Trans Mountain indicates it will try to hire local and is committed to working with Indigenous groups.

“Over the coming months, we will continue our engagement with Indigenous communities along the construction corridor,” added Anderson. “We are committed to ensuring the project incorporates all appropriate measures to protect the cultural, environmental and local Indigenous interests in the lands and waters through construction and into operation.”

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