Investors may be tracking sell-side analyst opinions on shares of Constellation Brands Inc (NYSE:STZ). According to analysts polled by Zacks Research, the current consensus target price is $224.73. Analysts and financial institutions may use different methods to value a particular stock. Because of the use of alternate methods, individual price targets may be widely varied. Viewing the consensus target price can help provide a general sense of where the sell-side sees the stock heading in the future. Investors can take a look at the target projections and decide for themselves if they agree with the Street. Investors tend to take a closer look at shares when analysts provide update to price targets.
Investors often have to face the issue of risk when dealing with the stock market. Creating portfolios that have the largest probability of attaining personal goals might be the course of action for many investors. Realizing that risk is a large part of the investment process can help the investor think realistically. Although completely eliminating risk is not reasonable, taking steps to reduce risk with proper portfolio management is well within reach for any investor. When first starting out, investors may be tempted to follow strategies from friends or colleagues that have dabbled in the markets with some success. Although using someone else’s strategy could work, chances are that eventually each investor will need to tweak the process in order to maximize their chances for success. Often times these lessons may end up being learned the hard way. With proper planning and execution, the hope is that the investor will arm themselves with enough knowledge to avoid mistakes early on.
Street analysts often provide stock recommendations for companies that they track. According to analysts polled by Zacks Research, the current average rating on shares of Constellation Brands Inc (NYSE:STZ) is 2.13. This average rating includes analysts who have given Buy, Sell and Hold ratings on the name. This rating uses a numerical scale from 1 to 5. A 1 would indicate a Buy recommendation, and a score of 5 would point to a Sell recommendation. Out of all the analysts offering recommendations, 7 have rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy.
Covering analysts are looking for Constellation Brands Inc (NYSE:STZ) to report a current quarter EPS of 2.63 when the company issues their next earnings report. This is the consensus estimate using analysts taken into consideration by Zacks Research. This estimate includes 8 sell-side analysts. For the previous reporting period, the company posted a quarterly EPS of 2.21. Investors will be closely tracking how close the actual comes to the consensus estimate after the next report. Analysts covering the stock are usually very busy during earnings periods. Before the release, they might be revising estimates. After the earnings release, they will closely review the information and update accordingly.
Looking at some recent stock price activity for Constellation Brands Inc (NYSE:STZ), we have spotted shares trading near the $202.29 level. Looking at some popular historical levels, we note that the 52-week high is presently $228.67, and the 52-week low is currently $150.94. When the stock is trading close to the 52-week high or 52-week low, investors may pay extra attention to see if there will be a move through that level. Looking back over the last 12 weeks, the stock has moved -4.43%. Heading back to the start of the year, we can see that shares have moved 25.79%. Over the past 4 weeks, shares have seen a change of 10%. Over the last 5 trading sessions, the stock has moved 2.23%.
As the markets continue to charge to new heights, investors may be trying to calculate where the markets will be moving in the next few months. Many market enthusiasts will be monitoring the current round of company earnings reports. A better than expected earnings period may help give the stock market another boost to even greater levels. At this point in time, investors may be a bit more cautious with stock selection. With so many names near all-time highs, investors may need to crunch the numbers to evaluate which stocks are still a good buy even at current price levels. Investors may also want to zoom out to the sector level and see if they can determine which sectors may be poised to outperform the overall market coming in to the second part of the year. Investors may also be looking at the overall economic conditions and striving to gain a sense of whether everything will align to keeping the bull run going.