Zooming in on shares of Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ:XLNX), we note that the average target price is presently $121.14. This is the consensus target based on projections provided by the covering analysts polled. Wall Street analysts have the ability to provide price target predictions for stocks that they cover. Price target estimates can be calculated using various methods. Many investors will track stock target prices, especially when analysts make changes to the projections. A good research report will generally give detailed reasoning for a specific target price estimate. Some investors may follow analyst targets very closely and use the information to complement their own stock research.
Investors often have to figure out how aggressive they want to be when getting into the stock market. There are individuals who may have had some initial success based on random luck, but diving without preparation can leave investors on the short end of the stick in the long run. Investors may be tempted by the next hot stock that is being talked about around the water cooler. Investors might not realize how risky a certain stock may be, and they may find out that the over performer has already made the run. Doing all the homework may involve tracking technicals, fundamentals, current economic data, and earnings releases. Putting in the time to do the proper research may help the investor see profits down the road.
Checking in on stock price activity for Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ:XLNX), we have recently seen shares trading near the $127.28 mark. Investors will often track the current stock price in relation to its 52-week high and low levels. The 52-week high is currently $139.72, and the 52-week low is presently $67.74. When the current stock price is trading close to either the 52-week high or 52-week low, investors may pay closer attention to see if there will be a breakthrough that level. Over the past 12 weeks, the stock has seen a change of 5.94%. Going back to the start of the calendar year, we can see that shares have moved 49.44%. Pulling the focus closer to the past 4 weeks, shares have seen a change of 15.76%. Over the past 5 trading days, the stock has moved 4.99%.
Taking a quick look at analyst opinions, we can see that the current average broker recommendation on shares of Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ:XLNX) is presently 2.35. Out of the covering analysts polled by Zacks Research, 8 have put a Strong Buy or Buy rating on the stock.
As earnings season comes into focus, investors will be closely tracking sell-side estimates. According to analysts polled by Zacks Research, the current quarter EPS consensus estimate is currently sitting at 0.92 for shares of Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ:XLNX). The number consists of estimates provided by 9 contributing analysts. For the last reporting period, the company posted a quarterly EPS of 0.94. The consensus estimate for last quarter before the earnings report was 0.94. Looking out further to the next quarter EPS estimate, the consensus is currently resting at 1. This consensus estimate includes 9 analysts taken into consideration by Zacks. Shifting the focus to the current fiscal year EPS estimate, the number is currently 3.5. Widening the gaze to the next fiscal year, we can see that the consensus EPS estimate is presently 3.9.
Investors may be scouring the exchanges for the next breakout stock. With the next earnings season in focus, investors will be keeping their eyes open for names that have upside potential. Tracking earnings results can help the investor see how healthy the company is. Investors may choose to research companies that produce large earnings beats. Taking the time to fully research the fundamentals can help the investor start piecing together the puzzle. Although many investors may not feel comfortable making trades around earnings, they can prepare for the aftermath and set up a plan to proceed once the market settles.