Canadians against airstrike

Study suggests 52% of Canadians disapprove of U.S. actions

While Canadians continue to grieve the 57 fellow citizens who were killed in the Flight 752 tragedy, more than half those polled in a new survey disapprove of the U.S. airstrike that killed Iranian general Qassim Suleimani. 

According to the survey conducted by the Angus Reid Institute, Canadians are expressing their disapproval of the U.S. and the actions that resulted in Suleimani’s death, with 52 per cent against the airstrike. 

Following the airstrike on Suleimani, Iran launched missile strikes on two military bases housing U.S. and Canadian troops. During the heightened tensions, Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was mistakenly shot down by Iranian missiles after taking off from the Tehran airport.

Despite the calmness that has appeared to descend on the Middle East in the wake of the crisis, 66 per cent of Canadians now believe the world is more dangerous after Suleimani’s death. 

Only 14 per cent of Canadians think the world is safer after the U.S. killed Suleimani. 

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