Meta Financial Group Inc. (CASH) had a good day on the market for Thursday November 21 as shares jumped 6.12% to close at $34.83. About 355,946 shares traded hands on 5,436 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 37.81 million. After opening the trading day at $33.19, shares of Meta Financial Group Inc. stayed within a range of $35.03 to $33.16.
With today’s gains, Meta Financial Group Inc. now has a market cap of $1.32 billion. Shares of Meta Financial Group Inc. have been trading within a range of $36.06 and $17.84 over the last year, and it had a 50-day SMA of $n/a and a 200-day SMA of $n/a.
Meta Financial Group Inc is a unitary savings and loan holding company. The company is engaged in two core businesses namely, retail banking and Meta Payment Systems. It’s a wholly-owned full-service banking subsidiary of Meta Financial, is both a community-oriented financial institution offering a variety of financial services to meet the needs of the communities it serves and a payments company providing services on a nationwide basis. Meta has three business segments: Payments, Banking, and Corporate Services/Other.
Meta Financial Group Inc. is based out of Sioux Falls, SD and has some 1,219 employees.