Some individual investors may rely heavily on Wall Street analyst opinions when conducting their own stock research. Focusing in on shares of FireEye, Inc. (NASDAQ:FEYE), we have seen that the average broker rating is currently 1.88. This average rating follows a numerical scale where a 1 would signify a Strong Buy rating, and a 5 would indicate a Strong Sell rating. Out of the sell-side analysts polled by Zacks Research, 10 have given the stock a Strong Buy or Buy rating.
Even professional traders can sometimes guess wrong about market direction. Many traders may have to balance emotion with the fear of missing out on a strong market move. Investors may be tempted to jump on the bullish bandwagon when stocks are powering higher. Investors on the wrong side of the market swing may have to consider what may be in store over the next few months. It’s only natural to pause and take a little breather once in a while. Investors may be chomping at the bit to buy up the dips if the market continues to advance. Fresh buying opportunities can surface at any moment, and the prepared trader may be poised to take full advantage. Keeping a close watch on earnings beats may help investors catch the wave early enough to secure some future profits.
Zooming in on the current quarter EPS consensus estimate for FireEye, Inc. (NASDAQ:FEYE), we see that the current number is 0.01. This EPS estimate is using 17 Wall Street analysts polled by Zacks Research. Last quarter, the company stated a quarterly EPS of -0.01. Sell-side analysts have the task of examining companies and providing estimates relating to future results. These estimates carry a lot of weight on the Street, and earnings hits or misses revolve around these numbers. Sometimes these predictions are very close to the actual reported number, and other times they are not. Many investors will be closely watching which way analyst estimates are being adjusted right before earnings. This may provide some insight on how good or bad the numbers for the quarter are likely to be. Investors might want to take a look at their holdings after the earnings reports to make sure that nothing extremely out of the ordinary after combing through the results.
Individual investors might be looking at all the angles in order to concoct a winning plan for the next few quarters. The diligent investor is typically on the ball and ready to encounter any unforeseen market movements. Monitoring recent stock price activity on shares of FireEye, Inc. (NASDAQ:FEYE) we have noted that the stock price has been trading near $13.095. Turning the focus to some historical price information, we note that the stock has moved -14.13% over the previous 12 weeks. Since the start of the year, we note that shares have seen a change of -19.22%. Over the last 4 weeks, shares have seen a change of -2.2%. Over the last 5 sessions, the stock has moved -6.53%. After a recent scan, we can see that the 52-week high is currently $20.21, and the 52-week low is presently $12.86.
Following shares of FireEye, Inc. (NASDAQ:FEYE), we can see that the average consensus target price based on contributing analysts is currently $18.07. Wall Street analysts often provide price target projections on where they believe the stock will be headed in the future. Because price target projections are essentially the opinions of covering analysts, they have the ability to vary widely from one analyst to another. Navigating the equity markets can seem daunting at times. Finding ways to identify the important data can make a big difference in sustaining profits into the future. As we move closer to the end of the year, investors will be watching to see which way the momentum shifts and if stocks are still primed to go higher. Investors might choose to rely heavily on analyst research and corresponding target predictions, or they may choose to use them as a guide to supplement their own research.
Investors who have stayed on the sidelines may be considering if the markets will continue to rally higher. Staying vigilant and watching for signs of the next bear may prove to be a crucial element for helping to guide certain portfolio moves. Keeping an eye on historical corrections as well as sentiment and technicals, may help provide the proper insight needed. Investors may be mindful of any meaningful pullback or correction, and they may have a certain percentage in mind for when things seem to be getting out of hand. Cautious optimism may prove to be a profit saver when the bearish winds start to blow. Investors may need to figure out a plan for when to take some profit off the table. Conducting thorough fundamental research on stocks even after they have broken out may help the investor understand the reason behind the move, and whether it is likely to continue or if it is just a temporary spike.