Keeping an eye on shares of NOW Inc. (NYSE:DNOW), we see that the current average price target is $14.43. Wall Street analysts have the ability to produce price target estimates for where they think the stock is heading. Because price target projections vary from one analyst to another, they may span a wide range of values. Many investors choose to monitor target prices, and they will pay extra close attention when there are updates. Investors might choose to lean heavily on analyst reports and target projections when doing their own stock research.
One of the most important factors that investors look at when examining stocks is the consistency of earnings results. When the quarterly earnings report is released, investors watch closely to see if the company is performing up to expectations. A company that fails to meet projections may see large price swings following the report. Of course one bad quarter may not signal trouble, but a company that continually disappoints during earnings season may need to be further examined to help figure out what is going on. Experienced investors will closely watch stock price movements before and after earnings events in order to gain a truer understanding of how the market is reacting to the reports.
Looking at some recent stock price activity for NOW Inc. (NYSE:DNOW), we have spotted shares trading near the $12.32 level. Looking at some popular historical levels, we note that the 52-week high is presently $17.02, and the 52-week low is currently $10.38. When the stock is trading close to the 52-week high or 52-week low, investors may pay extra attention to see if there will be a move through that level. Looking back over the last 12 weeks, the stock has moved -8.46%. Heading back to the start of the year, we can see that shares have moved 6.96%. Over the past 4 weeks, shares have seen a change of 3.92%. Over the last 5 trading sessions, the stock has moved 6.41%.
Covering analysts are looking for NOW Inc. (NYSE:DNOW) to report a current quarter EPS of 0.1 when the company issues their next earnings report. This is the consensus estimate using analysts taken into consideration by Zacks Research. This estimate includes 7 sell-side analysts. For the previous reporting period, the company posted a quarterly EPS of 0.09. Investors will be closely tracking how close the actual comes to the consensus estimate. Analysts covering the stock are usually very busy during earnings periods. Before the release, they might be revising estimates. After the earnings release, they will closely review the information and update accordingly.
Street analysts often provide stock recommendations for companies that they track. According to analysts polled by Zacks Research, the current average rating on shares of NOW Inc. (NYSE:DNOW) is 2. This average rating includes analysts who have given Buy, Sell and Hold ratings on the name. This rating uses a numerical scale from 1 to 5. A 1 would indicate a Buy recommendation, and a score of 5 would point to a Sell recommendation. Out of all the analysts offering recommendations, 4 have rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy.
Individual investors often strive to create a solid strategy before trying to take on the market. Setting up realistic, attainable goals, may be a good place for the amateur to start. There are many different approaches that the investor can take when getting into the stock market. Some investors will try to follow strategies that have worked for others in the past. Sometimes this will work, and sometimes it will not. Markets and economic landscapes are constantly changing. A strategy that worked yesterday may not work again tomorrow. Investors who put in the time to do the necessary homework may find themselves much better off when the market decides to rear its ugly head at some point down the road.