Checking up on some historical performance on shares of Magna International Inc. (NYSE:MGA), we can see that the stock price performance for the last week is 4.14%. If we scroll back to the full year reading, shares have performed 4.00%. Investors may be trying to figure out if it is a good time to get into a certain stock, or whether to exit a position that has been a loser. Whatever the case, outperforming the market is on the minds of many dedicated equity investors. Heading back further over the previous month, the stock has performed 8.36%. For the last quarter, shares have performed 16.71%. Going back to the beginning of the calendar year, company shares are 18.94%.
One way to completely avoid market mistakes is to not invest at all. Of course, that could end up to be the greatest mistake of all. Investors will occasionally make some mistakes, as that comes with the territory. The key as with most things in life is to figure out how to learn from past mistakes and use that knowledge to make better decisions going forward. Pinpointing exactly what went wrong may help shed some light on what needs improvement. Sometimes, investors will suffer losses and become discouraged right out of the gate. The tendency is to then try to recoup losses by taking even bigger risks which can lead to complete disaster. One of the biggest differences between successful investors and failed investors is the willingness and ability to learn from past personal mistakes.
Focusing on some other company information, we can see that Magna International Inc. (NYSE:MGA) has a beta of 1.57. Beta indicates the tendency of a stock’s returns to respond to market swings. A beta of 1 indicates that the stock price moves with the market. A beta under 1 indicates that the stock is less volatile than the market in theory. A beta value over one would indicate the opposite. In terms of volatility, shares have been noted at 2.02% for the week, and 1.96% for the past month. Investors often keep a close eye on any irregular stock volume. Traders and technical analysts have the ability to use volume to help measure the strength of a particular move. Investors may also view volume levels when the stock price is nearing significant support or resistance levels, in order to confirm a breakout in either direction.
We can now shift our focus to some alternate company data on shares of Magna International Inc. (NYSE:MGA). The stock has a current ATR of 1.23. When applying indicators for technical analysis, traders and investors may choose to examine the ATR or average true range. The ATR measures the volatility of a stock on a day-to-day basis. The average true range is typically based on 14 periods and may be calculated daily, weekly, monthly, or intraday. The ATR is not considered a directional indicator, but it may reflect the strength of a particular move. As we move into the second half of the year, investors may be looking to jumpstart their portfolios. Many equity investors may be wondering if the stock markets will find renewed energy and continue higher, or if a major correction is on the horizon.
Shares of Magna International Inc. (NYSE:MGA) have been recently spotted trading -6.55% off of the 52-week high price. On the other end, company shares have been noted 27.17% away from the low price over the last 52-weeks. Switching over to some distances from popular moving averages, we see that the stock has been recorded 9.75% away from the 200 day moving average. Moving closer, we can see that shares have been trading 9.14% off of the 20-day moving average. Investors may be closely following the current stock price in relation to moving averages. This may assist with figuring out if a breakout or reversal could be in the cards. Knowing when to ride the surge rather than stay on the sidelines, can be a difficult decision even for veteran investors.
With the stock market trading at current levels, investors may be tossing around ideas about how to trade the next few quarters. As we slip further into the second half of the year, investors may be assessing the latest earnings reports and trying to calculate the future prospects of certain stocks. Finding bargain stocks at current levels may be much harder than spotting hidden gems when markets are down. Plowing through the fundamentals may help sort out some of the questions that investors may have that come along with trading at these levels. Investors may have to do a little more homework in order to identify that next great trade, but the rewards may be well worth the extra time and effort.