Bargain hunters looking for stocks under $12 with potential upside might want to take a look at shares of Veru Inc. (:VERU). As of a recent trade, the stock is valued around $1.90 and has moved 1.06% in the most recent trading session.
Volatility comes with the territory when trading stocks. Individual stock prices can fluctuate dramatically, and returns can be largely varied. Because no stock is guaranteed to produce returns, there is a possibility that any stock could potentially lose value. Even though stock prices can shift from day to day, long-term investors are usually more concerned about price movements over an expanded period of time. Investors looking to minimize volatility risk may look to hold a larger number of diversified stocks in the portfolio. Even though market dips may have an impact on the entire portfolio, it is important to remember that it is just a normal part of investing in the stock market.
After a recent check, shares of Veru Inc. (:VERU) have been seen trading -23.69% off of the 50-day high and 13.77% away from the 50-day low. In terms of the stock price in relation to its moving averages, company shares are -1.83% away from the 20-day moving average and -9.81% off of the 50-day average. If we take a wider approach, shares have been trading 13.10% away from the 200-day moving average.
Volatility comes with the territory when trading stocks. Individual stock prices can fluctuate dramatically, and returns can be largely varied. Because no stock is guaranteed to produce returns, there is a possibility that any stock could potentially lose value. Even though stock prices can shift from day to day, long-term investors are usually more concerned about price movements over an expanded period of time. Investors looking to minimize volatility risk may look to hold a larger number of diversified stocks in the portfolio. Even though market dips may have an impact on the entire portfolio, it is important to remember that it is just a normal part of investing in the stock market.
Over the last year, Veru Inc. (:VERU)’s stock has performed
-3.06%. For the last six months, the stock has performed 29.25%. From the start of the calendar year, shares have been 35.71%. Zooming in closer, company stock has been -5.94% for the quarter, -6.40% over the past month, and -2.06% over the past week.
Diversification can be an important aspect of any investor’s portfolio. Investors may choose to spread out stock holdings between foreign stocks and stocks with different market capitalizations. Investors may have to first become aware of the risk associated with owning a wide variety of stocks. Owning stocks that belong to different industries may also be a help to the success of the portfolio. Often times, sectors may trade off being market leaders. Owning all one sector may leave too much risk exposed if the sector suddenly tanks and falls out of favor with investors. Investors may need to occasionally do a strategic review of the equity portion of the portfolio. Knowing exactly what is held may help the investor when the time comes to make some adjustments.