You won’t need a local copy to start fresh.
To date, reinstalling Windows has meant using a local copy — either something already stored on your PC (and thus at risk of going bad) or something external. Soon, though, it might just be a matter of grabbing it online. On top of changing tablet mode, the latest Windows 10 Insider Preview Build on the Fast ring includes a “download Windows” option when you want to reset your PC. Much like the feature Macs have had for years, you can use your broadband connection to grab a fresh install from the cloud. You don’t need a backup partition or a thumb drive to get back in business.
The company stressed that this will wipe your existing apps, and your data you choose “remove everything.” And remember, this is pre-release software. You’ll likely want to wait until there’s a polished version before trusting the fate of your PC to the cloud option. When it does arrive, though, it could offer a valuable failsafe if Windows is falling apart and you want a more reliable fix.