Sell-side analysts often undertake stock analysis to give their opinions of whether they believe that shares should be bought, sold, or held. Using ratings provided by analysts to Zacks Research, we can see that the current average broker rating on shares of Nutanix Inc. (NASDAQ:NTNX) is currently 2.29. This consensus rating uses a number scale from 1 to 5. A low number between 1 and 2 indicates a Buy or Strong Buy. A 3 rating would represent a Hold, while a 4 or 5 indicates a Sell rating. After a recent check, we can see that 8 sell-side analysts have rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy, based analysts polled by Zacks Research.
Investors are often faced with difficult decisions when trading the equity market. Sometimes, the decision to sell a certain stock may be just as important as the decision to buy the stock in the first place. Individual investors may have done the research, had some good fortune, and are now dealing with a big winner in the portfolio. Even though a stock has had a big run, it may be time to unload and take some profits. Holding on to a winner too long can eat into profits that may have been better spent getting into another promising name. On the flip side, investors may have trouble letting go of an underperforming portfolio loser. The emotional attachment to a stock can cause the investor to hold onto a stock for way too long. Maybe the stock was thoroughly researched, but it just keeps going lower. Being able to cut the ties instead of waiting for a bounce back may be beneficial for portfolio health in the long run.
Sell-side Wall Street analysts will commonly offer stock price target estimates. Many investors pay close attention to where the analysts project the stock moving in the future. After a recent scan, we can see that analysts polled by Zacks Research have set a consensus price target of $33.31 on shares of Nutanix Inc. (NASDAQ:NTNX). Price target estimates can be calculated using various methods, and they may be quite different depending on the individual analyst. A fully researched analyst report will generally provide detailed reasoning for a specific target price prediction. Some investors may track analyst targets very closely and use the information to complement their own stock research.
Taking a quick look at the current quarter EPS consensus estimate for Nutanix Inc. (NASDAQ:NTNX), we can see that the most recent level is sitting at -.6. This EPS projection uses 13 Sell-Side analysts polled by Zacks Research. For the previous reported quarter, the company posted a quarterly EPS of -.57. Covering analysts have the tough job of following companies and offering future estimates. These estimates are often closely followed on the Street, and earnings beats or misses revolve around these projections. Sometimes these predictions are extremely close to the actual reported number, and other times they may be way off. When a company posts actual earnings numbers, the surprise factor can lead to sudden stock price fluctuations. If a company meets and beats estimates and posts a positive earnings surprise, the stock may see a near-term bump. On the other end, a negative surprise may send the stock in the opposite direction. Many investors will choose to trade with caution around earnings releases and wait to make a move until after the major activity has subsided.
Zooming in on recent stock price action for Nutanix Inc. (NASDAQ:NTNX), we note that shares are trading near the 24.23 level. Investors will often follow stock price levels in relation to the 52-week high and low levels. The 52-week high is presently 61.13, and the 52-week low is sitting at 18.2. When a stock price is getting close to either the 52-week high or 52-week low, investors may track activity to watch for a move past the established mark. Over the last 12 weeks, shares have seen a change of -13.22%. Heading further back to the start of the year, we note that shares have seen a change of -41.74%. Focusing in closer to the last 4 weeks, shares have seen a change of 9.34%. Over the past five trading days, the stock has changed 22.62%.
Investors might be looking at various types of stocks that can be added to the portfolio. Selecting a wider range of equities may help the portfolio withstand prolonged market turmoil. Growth stocks typically have the potential to produce profit growth and above average revenues. Growth companies may reinvest a large amount of earnings back into the business. Fast growing companies can be attractive, but it may be important to verify whether or not shares are valued properly before buying in. Some investors may choose to select cyclical stocks. Cyclicals include companies that are very sensitive to the overall swings of the economy. Investors might also turn to adding foreign stocks to the portfolio. Keeping the portfolio diversified may end up being an important factor for longer-term investing success.