Stocks to Watch: Ultra Clean (NASDAQ:UCTT) Shares Down 0.8%

Ultra Clean Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:UCTT) shares were down 0.8% during mid-day trading on Friday . The company traded as low as $15.03 and last traded at $14.97, approximately 12,402 shares traded hands during trading. A decline of 97% from the average daily volume of 370,843 shares. The stock had previously closed at $15.09. A number […]
Stocks to Watch: Blue Capital Reinsurance (NYSE:BCRH) Shares Up 16.5%

Shares of Blue Capital Reinsurance Holdings Ltd (NYSE:BCRH) shot up 16.5% on Friday . The company traded as high as $8.20 and last traded at $7.75, 215,797 shares traded hands during trading. An increase of 1,806% from the average session volume of 11,322 shares. The stock had previously closed at $6.65. A number of research […]
NCC paths fared better after 2019 floods, but may have to move

After 2017 flooding, pathways were rebuilt to better withstand rising waters The National Capital Commission (NCC) had to fight another round with the Ottawa River this spring, but this time it was closer to a draw, costing less time and money in repairs. Many of the commission’s paths were under water in 2019, just as […]
Protesters take to the water against Chalk River nuclear disposal site

People are concerned that Ottawa River water will be contaminated with toxins, including tritium People from both sides of the Ottawa River took to the water to protest the construction of a nuclear waste disposal site at the Chalk River power plant. More than a dozen boats took part in the demonstration to say the […]
TMX board approved additional $5M in future bonuses for federally owned project

$3M will go to Crown corp’s executives and $2.48M to employees in 2021 Months before the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project was approved a second time, the leadership of the new government-owned pipeline company approved $5 million in future bonuses for top executives and employees to keep them onboard. At a 2018 board meeting a […]
Nationwide outage of passport kiosks causes delays

Primary inspection kiosks and NEXUS systems down for hours Sunday A nationwide outage of the Canada Border Services Agency’s primary inspection kiosks and NEXUS caused serious delays for passengers arriving at Vancouver International Airport Sunday. According to the airport, international passengers and U.S. passport holders were being affected the most. By 3:30 p.m. PT, the […]