Shares of Kellogg Company (NYSE:K) currently have an average target price of $62.45. This is the consensus number using estimates provided by polled analysts. Street analysts often give price target projections on stocks that they track. Price target projections can be calculated using a variety of methods. Many investors will follow stock target prices, especially when analysts make revisions. A thorough research report will typically provide detailed reasoning for a certain target projection. Some investors may watch sell-side targets very closely and use the information to assist with their own stock analysis.
Investors are always looking to gain any possible advantage in the stock market. Knowing the various risk and return possibilities for various types of stocks can be critical to positive performance. Creating a balanced equity portfolio may be the essential first step when thinking about diving into the equity markets. Investors may come from all different types of backgrounds, and they may face completely different situations. Each investor may need to identify their objectives and try to figure out what’s best for their specific situation. Investors may want to take a conservative approach to the markets. Others will be looking to go in full throttle with a very aggressive plan. Whatever the choice, it is important to note that picking stocks based on previous returns will never guarantee future returns. Investors have many choices they can make when looking to purchase stocks. Figuring out levels of risk, expectations of returns, and the overall investment time horizon can all play a big part in crafting the initial plan.
Taking a quick look at analyst opinions, we can see that the current average broker recommendation on shares of Kellogg Company (NYSE:K) is presently 2.62. Out of the covering analysts polled by Zacks Research, 3 have put a Strong Buy or Buy rating on the stock.
As earnings season comes into focus, investors will be closely tracking sell-side estimates. According to analysts polled by Zacks Research, the current quarter EPS consensus estimate is currently sitting at 1 for shares of Kellogg Company (NYSE:K). The number consists of estimates provided by 6 contributing analysts. For the last reporting period, the company posted a quarterly EPS of 1.01. The consensus estimate for last quarter before the earnings report was 0.91. Looking out further to the next quarter EPS estimate, the consensus is currently resting at 0.94. This consensus estimate includes 6 analysts taken into consideration by Zacks. Shifting the focus to the current fiscal year EPS estimate, the number is currently 4.31. Widening the gaze to the next fiscal year, we can see that the consensus EPS estimate is presently 3.86.
Checking in on stock price activity for Kellogg Company (NYSE:K), we have recently seen shares trading near the $58.21 mark. Investors will often track the current stock price in relation to its 52-week high and low levels. The 52-week high is currently $74.84, and the 52-week low is presently $52.09. When the current stock price is trading close to either the 52-week high or 52-week low, investors may pay closer attention to see if there will be a breakthrough that level. Over the past 12 weeks, the stock has seen a change of -3.47%. Going back to the start of the calendar year, we can see that shares have moved 2.1%. Pulling the focus closer to the past 4 weeks, shares have seen a change of 6.75%. Over the past 5 trading days, the stock has moved 5.41%.
Investors may be wondering which way stock market momentum will shift in the second half of the year. If the economic landscape shifts and markets start to go south, investors may need to have an action plan in place. Keeping the bigger picture in mind may help investors when markets are struggling. Short-term developments may cause the investor to lose confidence in certain holdings. Keeping the focus on stock analysis and the overall economic picture may help investors see through the trees. Sometimes the calm, cool, and collected approach will help settle the mind during turbulent market conditions. Being able to stay emotionally unattached to a stock or sector may assist the investor with making tricky buying or selling decisions. Being disciplined is an attribute that many successful investors share. Being prepared for many different scenarios can help ease the burden when those tough portfolio decisions have to be made.