Delta Galil Industries (OTCMKTS:DELTY) shot up 4.9% during trading on Tuesday . The stock traded as high as $28.85 and last traded at $28.85, 330 shares traded hands during trading. An increase of 659,900% from the average session volume of 0 shares. The stock had previously closed at $27.50.
The firm has a market capitalization of $771.45 million, a PE ratio of 13.11 and a beta of 0.35. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.63, a quick ratio of 0.87 and a current ratio of 1.70. The stock has a 50 day moving average price of $28.46.
Delta Galil Industries (OTCMKTS:DELTY) last released its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, May 14th. The company reported $0.12 earnings per share for the quarter. The company had revenue of $365.38 million for the quarter. Delta Galil Industries had a return on equity of 11.96% and a net margin of 2.87%. As a group, equities research analysts expect that Delta Galil Industries will post 2.58 EPS for the current year.
About Delta Galil Industries (OTCMKTS:DELTY)
Delta Galil Industries Ltd. engages in development, design, production, marketing and sale of underwear, socks, children’s wear, leisure wear and Activewear as well as in development, design, marketing, distribution and sale of branded products in the category of men’s and women’s jeans and outerwear and related products.