Shares of Algold Resources Ltd (CVE:ALG) traded down 15.8% on Tuesday . The stock traded as low as C$0.16 and last traded at C$0.16, 1,000 shares traded hands during trading. A decline of 98% from the average session volume of 48,494 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$0.19.
The stock’s 50-day moving average is C$0.14. The company has a quick ratio of 0.24, a current ratio of 0.25 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 19.21. The company has a market cap of $3.54 million and a P/E ratio of -0.23.
Algold Resources (CVE:ALG) last announced its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, May 30th. The company reported C($0.09) earnings per share for the quarter. On average, equities research analysts expect that Algold Resources Ltd will post -0.02 EPS for the current fiscal year.
About Algold Resources (CVE:ALG)
Algold Resources Ltd. acquires, explores, and develops gold mining properties in Mauritania, West Africa. The Tijirit property covering an area of approximately 1,400 square kilometers located in the Tijirit area; the Kneivissat property covering an area of 830 square kilometers; and the Legouessi exploration license located to the north of Nouakchott.