EPS is commonly considered to be one of the most important factors when evaluating the price of a share. Taking a look at the current quarter consensus earnings per share estimate provided by Zacks Research, we can see that the number for Quotient Technology Inc. (NYSE:QUOT) is 0.01. This estimate is using projections provided by 3 Wall Street analysts. Last quarter, the company notched a quarterly EPS of -0.04. Trading around earnings reports can be difficult. Gauging which direction a stock will shift after earnings can sometimes be a toss up. Sometimes, companies may report great numbers with a solid beat, and the stock will head lower. Other times, a stock will miss projections, but the price will rise. Traders who are able to take on the risk may be able to withstand the high volatility that could follow after the report is released.
Making the grade in the equity market may not come easily. There is constantly news and information swirling about the next big stock that is ready to take off. Doing a deep-dive into the fundamentals of a specific company may help uncover some data that may help sway the decision whether to jump in or stay out. Some investors may choose to take a contrarian approach when selecting stocks. A contrarian investing strategy may involve buying when everybody is selling, or vice-versa. Contrarians may take the mindset that markets have the ability to overreact to good news or bad news. Going against the grain may not be the easiest strategy to adapt for the novice. Investors may need to fine tune their skills in order to go generally against the crowd. There may come a time when everyone may be selling out of a stock for no real apparent reason. Taking a closer look at stocks like this may reveal some information that may help put the mind at ease.
Sell-side Street analysts often offer stock ratings for companies that they cover. Based on analysts polled by Zacks Research, the present average broker rating on shares of Quotient Technology Inc. (NYSE:QUOT) is presently 1.43. This average rating includes analysts who have given Sell, Buy and Hold ratings on the equity. This rating uses a numerical recommendation scale from 1 to 5. A score of 1 would represent a Buy recommendation, and a score of 5 would indicate a Sell recommendation. Out of all the analysts providing recommendations, 6 have rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy, based on data provided by Zacks Research.
Taking a look at some target price information, we note that shares of Quotient Technology Inc. (NYSE:QUOT) presently have an average target price of $16.8. This is the consensus target price using estimates offered by analysts polled by Zacks Research. Sell-side analysts can calculate price target projections using various methods. Many investors will track stock target prices, especially when analysts make changes to the target. A thorough research report will generally give detailed reasoning for a certain target projection. Some investors may watch sell-side targets very closely and use the data to help with their own stock research.
Let’s shift the focus and look at some historical stock price action on shares of Quotient Technology Inc. (NYSE:QUOT). After a recent market scan, we have seen that the stock has been trading near the $10.55 level. Investors may also be tracking the current stock price in relation to its 52-week high and low. The 52-week high is currently sitting at $15.75, and the 52-week low is $9.02. When the stock starts moving towards the 52-week high or 52-week low, investors may pay added attention to see if there will be a breakthrough that level. Over the last 12 weeks, the stock has moved 6.03%. Since the beginning of the calendar year, we can see that shares have changed -1.22%. Over the past 4 weeks, shares have moved 2.53%. Over the previous 5 sessions, the stock has moved -4%.
Many individual investors would agree that self confidence can play a major role when investing in the stock market. Learning how to trust instinct might be the difference between a good trade and a great trade. Investors who are able to develop a high level of self confidence may be able to pull the handle on a trade that most other people wouldn’t. Of course this may work against the investor who pushes self confidence into over confidence territory. Investors may also have to master the art of being patient in the stock market. Often times there are strategies that take time to fully develop. Taking the time to make solid investing decisions can mean the difference between realized profits and portfolio busters.