Your Money: How to properly plan for retirement

When it comes to retirement planning, savings often dominate the discussion. But saving for retirement is only part of the picture. Establishing an income plan for retirement — one that addresses how and when to translate those savings into income — is just as important.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for achieving this balance. However, these tips can help you navigate the many considerations that go into a retirement income plan.


Start by asking yourself how much will your desired retirement cost per year? This will include your basic expenses like housing (mortgage payment, home maintenance and repair expenses, association fees and property taxes), medical expenses (insurance premiums and co-pays and prescription costs), transportation expenses, debt payments, utilities and food (both dining in and dinging out).

Next, how will you spend your time while you aren’t working? Chances are whatever you will do in your leisure time will come with a cost. And be realistic. Though you may plan to spend conservatively during the transition into retirement, more than half of retirees actually spend more money during their first three years sans paycheck.


When you are retired you could have many different sources of income including defined benefits like Social Security or pension payments and the money you’ve saved for retirement.

Begin by calculating your fixed income, including Social Security or pension benefits. You should also include things like fixed annuities if you have them, or wages from part time work. Any gap between your annual income from these fixed sources and your annual retirement expenses will need to be made up by withdrawing from your retirement savings.


Being smart about the source and timing of your withdrawals can have a big impact on the longevity of your savings. Conventional wisdom says that retirees should aim to withdraw 4 percent annually, adjusting for inflation each year. However, you shouldn’t just accept that number without question. Consider whether it makes sense for your overall financial picture. Depending on your risk tolerance, you might want to withdraw more during high-return years, for example, and then cut back when the market is down. Finally, don’t forget to factor in tax considerations. Taxes can have a substantial impact on your withdrawal strategy.


Retirement income planning isn’t a one-and-done deal. Life is always throwing us curveballs, so don’t get too locked into a single plan or approach.

Keep in mind, too, that your financial needs will change over time. It may be helpful to have a plan for your savings based on when in retirement you will need it. During early retirement, you will likely rely on stable, low-risk sources of income while the money set aside for your long-term needs 20 or 30 years down the road, may warrant a higher-risk, higher-yield strategy.

Think of your retirement income plan as a living, breathing tool. You’ll want to revisit it frequently, making updates and adjustments as you go. A financial adviser can help you shape the right plan and provide ongoing guidance for life’s changing circumstances.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

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