Trudeau ‘stacking the deck’

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says the Liberals’ decision to name an anti-Conservative union to a panel that will decide which media outlets receive government funding is the latest example of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “stacking the deck” in his favour to get re-elected in October. In an interview with The Canadian Press Sunday, Scheer said […]

Calgary city council votes down $70M small business grant program

Council voted 12-3 against giving small businesses up to $4,000 each There will be no special assistance from city hall for Calgary businesses this year. A proposed $70M grant program for small business has been defeated by city council in a 12-3 vote. Mayor Naheed Nenshi, who voted for the grants, says he expects business […]

What Happens When Social Security Goes Broke?

Americans are worried about Social Security. Whether it’s Transamerica’s annual retirement survey (44% of workers fear a reduction in or elimination of Social Security benefits), Gallup (67% of workers worry a “great deal” or “fair amount” about the Social Security system as of March 2019), or any of a variety of other surveys, the trend […]

Forget retirement — focus on financial independence

One Seattle-area marketing professional told us she has mixed emotions about the word “retirement.” To her, it brings to mind a 70-year-old sitting in a rocking chair. Her retirement will be different. She plans to “retire” from full-time work in 2020 — when she’ll be 30 years old. She says she will spend her life […]

5 Money Mistakes That Recent Grads Make

Since most universities don’t provide financial literacy education, college graduates are left with little to no knowledge when it comes to managing their money. But conquering your financial life is just as important as landing your dream job. If you’re not keeping any of the money you’re making, snagging a sweet salary isn’t going to […]

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