TEL AVIV – Spoon-bending psychic Uri Geller wants to bend British Prime Minister Theresa May’s will against Brexit using mass-telepathy.
From his home in Israel, Geller – who is also a British citizen and a former resident of May’s Maidenhead constituency – wrote an open letter to the prime minister urging her to block Britain’s exit from the European Union.
Now he wants Britons to join him in twice-daily bursts of telepathy directed at the Conservative leader, in the hope of inspiring her to call a second Brexit referendum.
“Maybe I’m a bit too late but at least I’m trying my best to use my paranormal abilities, because I’m very concerned that Theresa May will step out of EU,” Geller told Reuters.
“That would be tragic. It would be catastrophic, especially for young people. There’ll be economic chaos. I’m calling it a catastrophe and I feel it … call it extra-sensory perception.”
Geller came to prominence in Britain with a series of appearances on prime time television when he pulled off stunts such as bending spoons, claiming the only force he used was the power of the mind.