Its Polestar Explore app will play a large part.
Add Polestar to the ranks of automotive brands that are basing their car experiences around your phone. The company has launched a Polestar Explore app for Android and iOS as part of a larger strategy to handle virtually everything from your phone. You can read about the Polestar 2, configure it, pre-order it and eventually buy or subscribe to it without having to visit a website or (gasp) show up at a retail location. And when your phone can also serve as a key, you’re effectively set — you might not need physical interactions besides tapping on your phone’s glass or grabbing your car’s door handle.
It’s not unexpected that Polestar would go this route, particularly when the 2 will rely on an Android-powered infotainment system. Sibling brands like Lynk & Co will be tech-savvy, too. Still, Explore makes clear just how Polestar will position itself. It’s for a generation of buyers that grew up with smartphones and can’t imagine needing to haggle with dealers or carry a separate set of keys.