Chevrolet finally adds ‘find my car’ to its app

You can also alert up to 10 people of your whereabouts.

Chevrolet is adding a “vehicle locate” feature to its mobile app that lets you, and up to 10 designated people, pinpoint your car’s whereabouts. Though it doesn’t offer constant tracking in the vein of Tesla’s always-on GPS or Uber’s Trip Tracker, it could still be handy if you forget where you parked or to keep tabs on loved ones. Unless, of course, you already use Google Maps or Apple Maps to save your parking spot or a third-party GPS tracker as an extra means of security.

Just update the myChevrolet app and you’ll see a new tile for the option, which is compatible with Chevys dating back to 2012 and comes bundled with the Remote Access Plan. Then you can set it up to notify up to 10 people when your vehicle either enters or leaves a designated boundary area (aka a geofence). This custom zone can be as wide as a 20-mile radius or as small as a specific address. Each person you choose to receive alerts will have to opt-in first. The mobile app feature replaces the solely web-based Family Link option powered by GM’s OnStar in-vehicle safety system.

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