Ultra Clean Holdings Inc. (UCTT) had a good day on the market for Thursday January 24 as shares jumped 8.07% to close at $9.91. About 812,022 shares traded hands on 5,121 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 39.01 million. After opening the trading day at $9.60, shares of Ultra Clean Holdings Inc. stayed within a range of $10.20 to $9.56.
With today’s gains, Ultra Clean Holdings Inc. now has a market cap of $386.63 million.
The stock has a P/E Ratio of 5.8. Shares of Ultra Clean Holdings Inc. have been trading within a range of $25.46 and $6.94 over the last year, and it had a 50-day SMA of $n/a and a 200-day SMA of $n/a.
Ultra Clean Holdings Inc, through its subsidiaries, manufactures and supplies production tools, modules, and subsystems for the semiconductor capital equipment industry. The product range includes precision robotic solutions, gas delivery systems, a variety of industrial and automation production equipment products; subsystems that include wafer cleaning subsystems, chemical delivery modules, top-plate assemblies, frame assemblies, and process modules. Its customer base includes firms in semiconductor capital equipment industry, medical, energy, industrial, flat panel and research equipment industries. Its principal markets are North America, Asia, and Europe. Its largest end market by revenue is the United States.
Ultra Clean Holdings Inc. is based out of Hayward, CA and has some 2,747 employees. Its CEO is James P. Scholhamer.