“Time-based commenting” could make life a little easier for video editors.
Video editors who collaborate on clips using Dropbox should appreciate a new feature the company is introducing today. “Time-based comments” are exactly what they sound like: users can now drop a comment at a specific time stamp on a video, making it a lot easier to specify exactly where an editor might want a change to be made. As with all other Dropbox comments, you can @ mention specific users to get their attention, making it a bit less likely that a requested change will just sit there without being addressed.
These comments should work with audio files as well as video, and both media types have more detailed previews than they did in the past. Dropbox says you can scrub through 1080p video files and get instant thumbnail previews, while audio files now display a full waveform preview when they’re viewed on the Dropbox site. Dropbox also says that it now supports previews and comments “over 30” video and audio file types, so unless you’re working with a truly esoteric format these features should work just fine. Support for time-based comments arrives today on the web and in the Dropbox iOS app, and it should be available on Android soon. Any Dropbox user can leave these comments, but only files shared by paid Dropbox users will have the feature enabled.