Hearings set on LNG line

The National Energy Board is scheduling hearings over the next three months to consider a jurisdictional challenge of the approval of a pipeline needed to supply natural gas to the recently sanctioned $40-billion LNG Canada project. But planning for construction to begin early next year will continue based on the $6.2-billion Coastal GasLink Pipeline’s provincial […]
Via orders $989M in trains

Via Rail has selected Germany’s Siemens over Bombardier Inc. for a $989-million contract to build new rolling stock as the Canadian passenger rail service renews its fleet of locomotives and cars for the rail corridor between Quebec City and Windsor, Ont. The company confirmed the contract that will see trains built in California. Deliveries will […]
Do Americans marry for love or money? Finally, an answer

Does the size of your partner’s bank account matter? People are more realistic than romantic by the time they wed, Abby Rodman, a psychotherapist in Boston, told MarketWatch. “We’re living in a time when people are waiting longer to get married,” she said. “Today, both genders are closing in on 30 by the time they […]
4 Work Resolutions for a Successful 2019

Major New Year’s resolutions rarely stick; it’s more reasonable and sustainable to operate on the margin by improving from where you are. While it’s unlikely you won’t hit the gym seven days a week, you could resolve to exercise more often than you did last year. It’s nearly impossible to never eat an unhealthy meal […]
5 Steps to Making Sure You’re Ready to Retire

Retirement is a huge financial and lifestyle decision. Retiring successfully takes more than just telling your boss you’re not coming in anymore. You need an end-to-end plan that will get you through a time period that may well measure in decades during which you’ll no longer be drawing a paycheck or have the other benefits […]
4 Money Matters Couples Don’t Talk About — but Should

It’s no secret that money is a major source of contention in many relationships, so much so that it’s currently a leading cause of divorce. But while many U.S. adults might turn to their partners to help pay the bills or provide a dose of much-needed financial security, they’re alarmingly silent when it comes to […]