More pipeline fallout

The pipeline explosion in B.C. on Tuesday is interrupting natural gas deliveries and cutting into the cold weather price bonus Canadian gas producers had been enjoying for the past few weeks. Analysts say about 10 per cent of Western Canada’s daily natural gas output was stranded when Enbridge Inc. halted transport on the 36-inch line […]
Walmart $175M upgrade

Walmart Canada says it will spend $175 million to help upgrade its stores across the country and improve the integration between its e-commerce business and physical locations. The company plans to renovate 23 stores by February 2019 in a move that it says will create more than 2,500 construction jobs. In addition to updating the […]
This Mistake Could Cost You an Extra $3,400 a Year

The overwhelming majority of U.S. households (95%) own a vehicle, and for 85% of Americans, it’s how they get to work. But not all cars are created equal, and if you choose the wrong one, you could wind up hemorrhaging an unhealthy amount of cash each year for no good reason. The cost of owning […]
How Much Should Your Kids Know About Your Finances?

OCTOBER IS AN IMPORTANT month for college-bound teens. It’s when the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, better known as the FAFSA, becomes available for the 2018-19 school year. This form is used by colleges and universities across the nation to qualify students for scholarships, grants and loans. Dependent students will need to include their […]
Does It Ever Make Sense to Tell Your Boss You’re Looking for a New Job?

Maybe you’re dissatisfied with your salary at your current job. Or maybe you’re tired of doing the same series of tasks day in, day out. Either way, there often comes a point when you’re ready to leave your present role and move on to another one. And while that’s something you might choose to discuss […]
If any of these habits seem familiar, now’s the time to change

You know you could do better, but you don’t know where to start. As we enter the last quarter of the year, it’s time to turn things around. During the year, you bought items with rebates – but never filled out the rebate forms. You splurged on impulse items at the grocery store. You signed […]