Young people with deposits still cannot buy homes

Around 40% of young adults cannot afford to buy one of the cheapest homes in their area even with a 10% deposit, according to a new research. The Institute of Fiscal Studies said house prices in England have risen by 173% over two decades. But average pay for 25-34 year-olds has grown by just 19% […]
PayPal tax bill jumps by £3.1m after review by HMRC

PayPal’s UK subsidiary has agreed to pay an extra £3.1m in tax following a review by HMRC. Research by the BBC’s Wake up to Money found that tax at the e-payments firm rose from £181,000 in 2016 to £4.7m. In its newly-filed accounts, PayPal says: “HMRC has been reviewing the company’s direct tax position. “As […]
Even Wealthy Older Americans Worry About Long-Term Care

Retirement can be a financially daunting prospect, especially when the notion of long-term care is thrown into the mix. In fact, managing and paying for long-term care needs is something that has even wealthy older Americans concerned. In a recent Nationwide survey of well-off older adults (defined as age 50 or older with a household […]
Start Saving Today for This Major Expense

We all know we’re supposed to set aside money for things like emergencies, retirement, and college. But while these are all relatively high-profile categories, there are smaller yet significant items we need to save for along the way, one of which will be here before you know it: the holidays. While many folks don’t currently […]
How to make the most of your side business

It can be personally and financially rewarding to earn extra cash doing something you enjoy. If you are one of the many Americans supplementing your paycheck by running a small business, here are some tips to help you profitably manage your side gig: Make your business official Consider running your side job like a real […]
How Universal Savings Accounts Could Change the Way You Save

Tax reform will dramatically change your taxes when you file your returns early next year. With new rules covering tax rates, deductions, and other tax breaks, there’s a lot of planning that smart taxpayers are doing to take advantage of new opportunities to reduce how much they pay the IRS. Yet some lawmakers aren’t satisfied […]