Young people say these are the 2 main reasons they can’t buy homes

When it comes to buying a home, certain obstacles, including poor credit, increasing housing prices and job insecurity, can stand in the way. But for young people in particular, there are two main problems: student loan debt and expensive down payments. That’s according to real estate website PropertyShark, which surveyed more than 2,100 U.S. renters, […]
3 Reasons to Retire As Early As You Can

Would you love to retire early? So many people have that goal, and for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s a matter of escaping a tough work schedule and the pressures that come with it. For others, it’s an opportunity to spend quality time with family and pursue hobbies. Many folks, however, have a […]
Is Social Security Short-Changing the Poor?

Social Security provides tens of millions of Americans with retirement benefits, and the majority of those who receive them rely on Social Security for the bulk of their financial support in retirement. That’s especially true for lower-income workers, who aren’t able to save as much during their careers and therefore have fewer alternative means of […]
5 Retirement Tips for 2018 — and Beyond

If you’re worried about retirement, you’re not alone. Only 32% of Americans said they were very confident that they could live comfortably throughout retirement, according to the 2018 Retirement Confidence Survey of the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Fortunately, it’s within your power to make some moves now and in the future that can make your […]
A.I. and robotics will create almost 60 million more jobs than they destroy by 2022, report says

Machines will overtake humans in terms of performing more tasks at the workplace by 2025 — but there could still be 58 million net new jobs created in the next five years, the World Economic Forum (WEF) said in a report on Monday. Developments in automation technologies and artificial intelligence could see 75 million jobs […]
Google brings its AI song recognition to Sound Search

Google’s Now Playing song recognition was clever when it premiered late in 2017, but it had its limits. When it premiered on the Pixel 2, for instance, its on-device database could only recognize a relatively small number of songs. Now, however, that same technology is available in the cloud through Sound Search — and it’s […]
Nvidia researchers develop AI system that generates synthetic scans of brain cancer

Artificially intelligent (AI) systems are as diverse as they come from an architectural standpoint, but there’s one component they all share in common: datasets. The trouble is, large sample sizes are often a corollary of accuracy (a state-of-the-art diagnostic system by Google’s DeepMind subsidiary required 15,000 scans from 7,500 patients), and some datasets are harder […]
The creator of Google’s self-driving car project is now working to automate boring office functions

Sebastian Thrun, one of the best known entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, is taking on a new challenge that’s a big shift from his work in autonomous transportation or online education: He’s working to automate sales chats. Thrun, who founded Google’s research lab X and its autonomous car project, education start-up Udacity, and electric aircraft company […]
3 Top Fintech Stocks to Watch in September

The real beauty of fintech stocks is that they give you exposure to themes in the financial industry without the inherent risk of traditional financial businesses like banks and insurers. Plus, because they’re service or software businesses rather than risk takers, a fintech company’s growth isn’t limited by its balance sheet. Few banks could ever […]
For Canadian marijuana investors, coming to U.S. is a ‘crapshoot’ that can end in lifetime ban

Immigration lawyer sees ‘potential chilling effect’ on investment; investor who was banned calls it ‘one of the worst experiences of my life’ Visiting the U.S. is a “crapshoot” that could lead to a lifetime ban for foreign nationals who are invested or work in the Canadian marijuana industry, which could hurt the booming sector, immigration […]