1 Trick to Actually Save Money

Why do so many of us have a tough time saving money? There are a couple of very obvious — and popular — responses: unequal wealth distribution, stagnant wages, and student-aid debt that’s shackling an entire generation of college graduates. Without taking anything away from those legitimate causes, we often ignore the thing we have […]
Saving money at back-to-school time

Shopping for school can be expensive for even the most frugal family. As July comes to an end, now is the time to start thinking about your spending plan for August, including those back-to-school purchases. Here are some tips as school creeps closer: Acquire and thoroughly read the supply list from your child’s teacher. It […]
6 retirement goals for people in their 20s

If you’re young and not planning your golden years, consider yourself normal. “Who in their 20s thinks about retirement?” asks Ben Coombs, a now-retired financial planner. “I know I didn’t.” Other financial planners share that sentiment. “Retirement was a faraway concept, and I gave it no thought,” says Lewis Walker, a certified financial planner at […]
Retirement: Plan to work 2 years longer than you thought, survey suggests

Blue skies, a beach, a nice book. For many, retirement presents an opportunity for relaxation. But for the majority of Americans, that retirement likely will be put off for longer than they expected, a new study finds. Three of five Americans are “very likely” to work about two years longer than planned in order to […]