Scottish couple launches craft cidery on P.E.I.

Alex and Anne Jamieson are producing artisanal hard apple cider from their 3,000-tree orchard in Bonshaw, P.E.I. The Scottish couple has run the Riverdale Orchard since moving to the Island in 2014. Now they’re reaping the return on their investment. “[It’s a] very steep learning curve, but a very enjoyable one, with great support from […]
UPEI joins national alcohol harms organization

UPEI wants to ensure that students have all the information they need about alcohol, cannabis and other drugs. The university recently joined the Post-Secondary Education Alcohol Harms (PEPAH) organization, a group of universities partnered with the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction. Director of student affairs Treena Smith said it’s a discussion all post-secondary […]
Vancouver teen sweeps youth category in international photography competition

‘I was like, this must be some kind of mistake,’ says Liron Gertsman, 17 In an unprecedented sweep, a Vancouver teenager has taken all three top youth awards at a North American bird photography competition. The Audubon Photography Awards are judged blind — the judges don’t know the names of the entrants — but the […]
Ottawans can help shape air travel passenger bill of rights today

Rules for air travel being developed to govern cancellations and delays Hoping to make air travel a little more friendly, the government is giving Canadians a chance to shape a passenger bill of rights — and today is the day Ottawans can have their say. Consultations have been held across the country since Parliament passed […]
Uber relaunches a licensed service in Finland after taxi law deregulation

Ride-hailing giant Uber is officially relaunching in Finland today, a year after suspending its primary service in the market — when it said it would wait for taxi laws to be deregulated. Among the changes it was waiting for are the removal of taxi permit caps and fare restrictions. Most parts of the Act came […]
Now Google Duo can stay signed in on more than one phone

The latest build of Google Duo revealed multi-device support was on the cards, and while the feature hasn’t been officially announced, it is rolling out to users now, according to 9to5Google. The function means you can simultaneously sign into the Duo video calling app on different devices, which will all alert you if someone’s calling. […]
Your smart home just got a little smarter with this AC controller

Trying to sleep during a heat wave is nearly impossible without an air conditioner. But while taking full advantage of your AC may be the most comfortable way to get through the summer, it’s by no means efficient. Not only is your excessive AC use bad for the environment, but it’s also expensive. That’s where […]
AI-powered instant camera turns photos into crude cartoons

Most cameras are designed to capture scenes as faithfully as possible, but don’t tell that to Dan Macnish. He recently built an instant camera, Draw This, that uses a neural network to translate photos into the sort of crude cartoons you would put on your school notebooks. Macnish mapped the millions of doodles from Google’s […]
The 5 Best Oil Stocks of 2018 (So Far)

Oil prices have been blistering hot so far in 2018. A barrel of WTI, which is the U.S. oil price benchmark, has rocketed 23% in the first half to more than $74, its highest level since November 2014. Meanwhile, Brent, the global oil benchmark, has been almost as hot, rising 18.8% for the year to […]
Don’t Waste Your Money on Cryptocurrencies, These 3 Stocks Are Better Buys

The meteoric run up in cryptocurrency valuations last year looked every bit a speculative bubble as the dot-com craze 20 years ago, and the subsequent implosion of valuations in the months since has deepened the parallels. A recent Bloomberg story noted that hundreds of virtual coins have gone to practically zero in value as the […]