‘It’s a real honour to be able to jump for Canada, to represent my country on today of all days’

There’s probably as many ways to celebrate Canada Day as there are Canadians.
On Sunday in Halifax, about 50 new Canadians were added during a citizenship ceremony at Pier 21 in Halifax.
As the group recited the oath of citizenship and sang the national anthem, celebrations began both inside and outside the waterfront complex with music and dancing performed by a variety of multicultural groups.
Symbols of Canada were prominently displayed on the faces of many participants, young and old, alike.
Over at the Halifax Common, the Canada Day party continued, peaking with a spellbinding airshow by the SkyHawks, the Canadian Armed Forces parachute team.

Members leapt from a Hercules aircraft, swooping to the ground with military precision under a Canadian flag canopy.
For their commander, Capt. John Hart, a Liverpool, N.S., native, it was a particularly satisfying jump.
“It’s a real honour to be able to jump for Canada, to represent my country on today of all days — on Canada Day,” he said after his landing on the Halifax Common.
“Especially here in Halifax, it’s more or less my hometown. It’s thrilling no matter where I’m jumping, but there’s a tremendous amount of significance, here in Halifax.”