T-Mobile now supports next-gen texting between carriers

American carriers have had support for RCS’ next-generation text messaging for a while, but it typically hasn’t been very useful outside of your home network. Unless you’re with Sprint, you haven’t had that universal support needed to chat between networks. Thankfully, that support is widening ever so slightly. T-Mobile is rolling out a software update […]
Have a Citi credit card? You may be getting some money back

Some Citi cardholders are about to have a payday. The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection announced a settlement Friday with Citibank C, +0.06% , after it found Citi violated the Truth in Lending Act. The cardholders of some 1.75 million Citi accounts will receive an average refund of $190 each under the terms of the […]
Want to make millennials mad? Talk about saving for retirement

Saving for retirement is an extremely sensitive subject with people in their 30s — just look at the response to my article on the matter. Twitter blew up after MarketWatch tweeted about the piece, where I cite a Fidelity Investments report that suggests 35-year-olds should have twice their salary saved. Even the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed […]
6 habits to start in your 20s if you want to retire by 40

If you want to retire early, you’re going to have to start saving early. That part’s clear. The tricky part is actually establishing the habits that will help you reach your goal. Luckily, a handful of everyday people who have reached financial independence at a young age have shared their top tips to help you […]
7 amazing American restaurants worth road-tripping for — that all have meals under $12

Hate flying? Take a road trip. More Americans are hitting the road for their vacation, and 70 percent of travelers are motivated to vacation to experience new cuisine, a jump from 51 percent in 2014, according to MMGY Global’s Portrait of American Travelers study. Also, a recent survey by Booking.com found that more than half […]