After 50 years in the classroom, St. Albert teacher retiring

Jenny Yakimik, 70, says she’ll miss working with a new group of kids every year When Jenny Yakimik first started teaching in St. Albert in the 1960s, female teachers weren’t allowed to wear pants. A lot has changed since then and Yakimik has been there every step of the way. This year, after 50 years […]
Man reunited with baby he saved with CPR on side of highway

A Colorado man who saved a 1-year-old boy struggling to breathe on the side of a busy highway is hesitant to accept the “hero” title, insisting at a reunion with the child’s family on Monday that he is just a Good Samaritan who was trying to help. “He’s our guardian angel,” Vanessa Navarrete, the boy’s […]
Don’t get blindsided by taxes in retirement

Your taxes in retirement may be a lot more complicated than taxes while you’re working. Social Security checks may or may not be taxed, depending on your income. You’ll pay federal income taxes on most retirement plan withdrawals and may pay additional state taxes depending on where you live. Tax rates on investments can vary […]
One millennial’s journey from college to $5,000 a month in disposable income

RockSteady2323 isn’t even 30 years old, but he seems to be ticking all the boxes. He’s got a wife, a high-paying tech job and a Southern California condo unit. He’s also got a cat and a roommate, which, depending on personal preference, might not count as tickable boxes. Regardless, he’s come a long way since […]
Kevin O’Leary: This is the age when you should have your mortgage paid off

Americans hold $8.88 trillion of mortgage debt, according to a February report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It’s the largest type of household debt in the country, and it increased “substantially” during the fourth quarter of 2017 — up $139 billion, according to the report. If you’re one of those millions of […]
5 habits to give up if you want to get out of credit card debt

If you’ve racked up credit card debt, you’re not alone. Credit card users owe more than $1 trillion, and the average American has a credit card balance of $6,375. But taking on credit card debt that isn’t immediately paid off is risky, and makes it nearly impossible for you to build savings. To help you […]