Paralympic swimmer makes waves at former school in Moncton

Danielle Dorris, 15, tells students to never let differences or problems defeat them When 15-year-old Danielle Dorris was young, her parents told her “you’re not allowed to say I can’t, only I can.” Dorris was born with only a portion of her arms, but she never let that hold her back. The Moncton teen is […]
New Brunswick company hopes to make sea vegetables the next big thing

Magellan Aqua Farms growing kelp and sea lettuce in Passamaquoddy Bay A seafood company in St. Stephen, N.B., is banking on people turning to the sea for some of their daily vegetables. The owner of Magellan Aqua Farms, Steve Backman, is considered a pioneer in seaweed farming. For the past three years, he has been […]
These Retirement Cuts Threaten Millions of Workers

There’s a lot of debate about the differences in working conditions that public-sector and private-sector workers face. Some private-sector workers who have seen many of their employee benefits deteriorate or disappear entirely over the years believe their public-sector counterparts get benefit packages that are too expensive for taxpayers to maintain. Public-sector employees can point to […]
Want to Stay a Self-Made Millionaire? Follow These 9 Money Rules

Congratulations! Your business has made you wildly wealthy. So what do you do next? If you’re patient and lucky and work hard at your business, one day you may find yourself facing the ultimate privileged problem: What do you do with all this money? 1. Live below your means, for the long haul. You’re rich. […]
A Big Overlooked Risk in Paying Off Your Mortgage Early

There are plenty of arguments for and against paying off your mortgage early. One of the big arguments that favors investing over paying down your mortgage is that you can expect a higher return from investing in the stock market, compared to the interest rate on your loan. But that’s not always the case. Anyone […]
4 Expenses That’ll Obliterate Your Finances in Retirement

Many workers look forward to retirement and the chance to make the most of their newfound free time. But the ability to enjoy that period of life tends to hinge on one major factor: money. And if you don’t take steps to prepare for or eliminate certain expenses ahead of time, you’re apt to have […]