64% of Americans Are Looking at Their 401(k)s the Wrong Way

If you have access to a 401(k) at work, chances are that this will be one of your most important retirement accounts, if not the most. Many workers put most or all of their retirement savings into a 401(k), which can make sense because it’s convenient, comes with generous tax savings, and often offers an […]

Social Security’s Catch-22 Is Bad News for Retirees

As you may have heard, our nation’s most successful social program is in a bit of a bind. Every year since 1982, the Social Security program has generated a net cash surplus. By bringing in more revenue than is paid out in benefits each year, the program has been able to build up a $2.9 […]

Here’s why you shouldn’t celebrate that big tax refund

Think twice before celebrating that large refund check from Uncle Sam. The IRS had doled out 45.5 million refunds as of Feb. 28, with the average refund check totaling $3,064. That amount is just $4 less than last year’s average refund. Filers have reasons to celebrate their small windfall. Most have ambitious plans for their small windfall, including shoring […]

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