The Smarter Alternative to Early Retirement

Feeling restless at work again? It won’t help to count the days until you retire, especially if those days number in the thousands. That might only get you thinking about the contradiction of retirement: By the time we have the freedom to do what we want, we could be too old to enjoy it. Of […]

3 Tax Deductions That Could Save You Thousands in 2020

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was the most sweeping overhaul to the United States tax code in three decades. In addition to lowering the tax bills for the majority of Americans, the tax reform bill also simplified the tax code tremendously. One of the ways the tax code has been simplified is that there […]

A Shocking Number of Gen Xers Don’t Have Retirement Savings

Many workers put off retirement savings when they’re new to the workforce and they’re grappling with high levels of debt and limited earnings. But there comes a point when you really can’t afford to delay your long-term savings, and unfortunately, a large number of Gen Xers are already well past it. A surprising 50% of […]

Personal finance: Navigating the high cost of becoming a caregiver

If you have yet to step into the role of caregiver, there’s a good chance it may be in your future. A 2017 joint survey by Merrill Lynch and Age Wave estimated that 40 million Americans have already served as a caregiver. With the advancing age of baby boomers, 20 million more are expected to […]

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