Volkswagen pleads guilty

VW pleads guilty to all Canadian charges in emissions scandal Volkswagen pleaded guilty to dozens of Canadian charges in a wide-ranging emissions-cheating scandal on Wednesday, admitting — among other acts — to secretly importing cars that violated polluting standards. The German automaker and the Crown submitted an agreed statement of facts in a Toronto court, […]

Huge film studio planned

600,000-square-foot studio facility planned in Langley Martini Film Studios plans to build a 600,000-square-foot studio facility in Langley, one of the largest industrial projects in the region, according to Avison Young. The facility would cover 25 acres, making it the largest film and television production centre in Canada when complete. Martini currently has a 150,000-square-foot […]

This group of people are the most at risk of retiring broke

Nobody wants to retire broke, but it’s an unfortunate reality many Americans will face. Today’s workers face a unique struggle in that the majority of their retirement income will need to come from their personal savings. Previous generations were able to receive the bulk of their income from pensions and Social Security benefits. Today, though, […]

Survey: Nearly 4 in 10 Americans would borrow money to cover a $1K emergency

Many of us would be in trouble if we had to foot the bill for an unplanned expense. Bankrate’s January Financial Security Index survey reveals that just four in 10 U.S. adults (41 percent) would cover the cost of a $1,000 car repair or emergency room visit using savings. The findings echo what previous Bankrate studies […]

The Stunning Problem With The 4% Retirement Income Rule In One Chart

Are you in the “retirement bubble”? The retirement bubble are the few years leading up to retirement and the first few years in retirement when your retirement nest egg is most vulnerable to market shocks. Why? It is because of sequence of investment returns risk. Sequence of investment returns is most dangerous when you are withdrawing […]

5 States That Are the Most (and Least) Financially Friendly for Retirees

When you’ve spent most of your adult life working and saving for the future, you want your money to last as long as possible in retirement. Part of that comes down to developing healthy spending habits so you don’t blow through your savings too quickly, but another important factor is where you choose to call […]

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