MEC changing course

BC outdoors retailer MEC lost $11.5 million last year Vancouver-based outdoor equipment retailer MEC plans to sublease its 112,000-square-foot head office, which it built for $28 million and moved into in late-2014. The company has already started scouting the market for a new headquarters that will be about one-third the size somewhere in Metro Vancouver, […]

Oilsands project opposed

Indigenous leaders demonstrate against major oilsands project Indigenous leaders from British Columbia and Alberta who oppose Teck’s Frontier mine say its impact will be felt by First Nations well beyond the site of the massive oilsands project. Members of Indigenous Climate Action, the Tiny House Warriors and the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs were among […]

24% of Middle-Aged and Older Americans Are Making This Terrible Social Security Mistake

Millions of seniors collect Social Security in retirement, and for many, those benefits serve as their primary source of income. But that’s not what they were intended for. Social Security is really only meant to supplement additional income streams. By itself, it generally won’t sustain the average senior. That’s because it only replaces about 40% […]

4 Reasons People Succeed at Retirement

How do you see yourself in retirement — the simple, quiet retiree who takes neighborhood walks and always gets the early bird dinner special? Or are you the carefree retiree who runs 5Ks, meets friends for champagne brunch, and takes cruises to exotic places? Both are stereotypes, of course, but they represent the difference between […]

69% of Older Americans Are Missing Out on This Key Retirement Savings Opportunity

Your senior income will need to come from somewhere, and unless you’re privy to a pension, which many workers today are not, you’ll most likely rely on a combination of Social Security benefits and retirement savings to cover your bills once your time in the workforce wraps up. Social Security will probably replace around 40% […]

The student debt squeeze: A look at 3 people’s budgets

Student debt is consuming an ever larger share of household budgets. Today, more than two-thirds of college graduates have student debt, compared with less than 50% in the early 1990s. And, back then, the average balance was $9,000 – now it’s $30,000. The typical monthly bill is nearly $400. Americans are more burdened by student […]

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