Site C tunnels milestone

Excavations for Site C tunnels substantially complete: BC Hydro Excavations for the diversion tunnels at Site C are substantially completed, BC Hydro says. BC Hydro said contractors hit the construction milestone on Christmas Eve. “BC Hydro remains on schedule to begin diverting the Peace River in September 2020,” the company said in an update Tuesday. […]
Canadian Forces leaving Iraq

Iranian missiles target Iraqi city used by Canadian Forces Hours before Iranian missiles hit targets in Iraq Tuesday, including in a city where Canadian troops have been based, the Canadian Forces started to move troops out of the country. According to U.S. authorities, about a dozen ballistic missiles targeted Al-Asad airbase near Baghdad and the […]
The retirement savings blind spot you don’t realize you have

When do you plan to retire? Many individuals have an age at which they want to call it quits. And then there’s the age when you really stop working. If you’re lucky, those ages are one and the same. But research shows that they’re likely not. Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies recently found that a […]
Here’s why Americans are contributing more to their 401(k) plans

Americans have been contributing a greater share of their salaries to their 401(k) plan accounts — and that could have a substantial impact on retirement savings over time. Savers stashed away an average 7.7% of pay in 2018, up from 6.8% just two years earlier, according to the most recent figures published by the Plan […]
More Americans are renting homes in retirement for flexibility

“We owned homes all through our careers, and they turned out to be good investments,” Joe Stermitz told Business Insider. They lived all over the US in 16 different homes, both owned and rented. Before Joe retired in 2016, they lived in a 4,000-square-foot home in southern Washington. It just wasn’t for them anymore. These […]
Why your boss is likely putting more money in your 401(k) plan

Americans have been contributing a greater share of their salaries to their 401(k) plan accounts — and that could have a substantial impact on retirement savings over time. Savers stashed away an average 7.7 percent of pay in 2018, up from 6.8 percent just two years earlier, according to the most recent figures published by […]