4 Key Changes For Your 2020 Tax Return

Last year was a tough one for taxpayers, because new laws took effect that dramatically changed how people had to file their tax returns. Even the returns themselves looked different, with the old 1040A and 1040EZ forms going away and requiring everyone to use the same main 1040 form. However, even though there wasn’t a […]
Saving for Retirement Is About to Get Easier

Here’s some good news for your eventual retirement: Congress is trying to make it easier for you to save for that day when you can finally leave your briefcase behind and kick back on the beach. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019, also known as the SECURE Act, got lumped […]
It’s time to take money from your retirement savings. How to get it right

Congress passed new legislation that would give retirement savers more time to grow their nest egg. Currently, the IRS requires savers to start drawing down their accounts by 70½. The bill, which passed the Senate on Thursday, would raise that age to 72. The measure now will head to President Trump, who is expected to sign […]
4 Reasons You Stink at Saving Money

We all need savings, whether it’s for emergencies, retirement, college, or another purpose. But if you can’t remember the last time you had money left over at the end of a given month after paying all of your bills, then it’s clear that you’re seriously lacking in the savings department. And chances are, it’s due to […]
Chrome beta helps you find offline-friendly files in web apps

This is also the beginning of the end for FTP support. Sophisticated web apps can make videos and other files available offline, but finding that media is tricky if the website doesn’t give you an easy way to find it. Soon, though, that search might be trivial. Google has released a Chrome 80 beta whose […]
Boeing Starliner is the first US-made crew capsule to land on the ground

It’s the highlight of a mission that didn’t go according to plan. The inaugural Starliner test flight didn’t go according to plan, but it still made a little bit of history. Boeing’s spacecraft landed safely at New Mexico’s White Sands Missile Range at 7:58AM Eastern, making it the first US-made, crew-ready capsule to touch down […]
San Francisco loosens facial recognition ban to allow newer iPhones

It illustrates the problems with blanket bans on facial recognition tech. San Francisco is learning first-hand about the risks of blanket bans on facial recognition. City supervisors have voted to amend a ban on facial recognition in local government to allow the use of FaceID-equipped iPhones and other devices where the technology is included, but […]
Messaging app ToTok is reportedly a spying tool for the UAE

It may help the Emirati government track its citizens. It’s no secret that some messaging apps are favored by authoritarians, but one app may be explicitly designed with spying in mind. Unnamed US officials speaking to the New York Times say that the chat app ToTok is believed to be a surveillance tool for the […]
Analysts Set Expectations for Bank of Montreal’s Q1 2020 Earnings (NYSE:BMO)

Bank of Montreal (NYSE:BMO) (TSE:BMO) – Equities researchers at Desjardins issued their Q1 2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Bank of Montreal in a research report issued on Tuesday, December 3rd, Zacks Investment Research reports. Desjardins analyst D. Young expects that the bank will post earnings of $1.77 per share for the […]
Analysts Issue Forecasts for Aurora Cannabis Inc’s Q2 2020 Earnings (TSE:ACB)

Aurora Cannabis Inc (TSE:ACB) – Investment analysts at Seaport Global Securities dropped their Q2 2020 earnings estimates for shares of Aurora Cannabis in a research note issued to investors on Monday, November 25th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Seaport Global Securities analyst B. Hundley now anticipates that the company will post earnings per share of ($0.09) […]