A $4.8M chandelier under Vancouver’s Granville Bridge draws divided response

Public art piece, paid for by developer, criticized for excess in a city grappling with a housing crisis As Pierre Blais crossed the noisy construction site Wednesday on Vancouver’s Beach Avenue, dodging the forklifts and street sweepers, he nearly didn’t see the massive chandelier dangling above him. It wasn’t until he paused and a construction […]

How to discuss those taboo money topics at over the holidays

If you want to risk starting some arguments around the dinner table this holiday season, be sure to bring up religion and politics. No, wait — make that sex and personal finance. Sex and personal finance/money ranked first and second among five “taboo” topics for discussion in a TD Ameritrade survey this year. They beat […]

Millennial retirees travel the world instead of buying a home

Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung have been traveling around the world since they retired in 2015. The millennial couple, from Toronto, initially wanted to take just one year to travel, but it’s been four years and they haven’t stopped yet. “After a year ended, we realized that traveling around the world costs about the same […]

3 Things to Do if You’re in Your 40s With No Retirement Savings

Saving for retirement can’t be done at the last minute; it takes decades of consistent effort to save hundreds of thousands of dollars. When you start early, you still have compound interest on your side. But the longer you wait to begin stashing money in your retirement account, the more you’ll need to save each […]

The Gap Between Male and Female Retirement Savings Is Astounding

Saving for retirement is crucial. Without independent savings, you risk struggling financially during your golden years. And when you think about the expenses you’ll face when you’re older, it’s easy to see why. Even if you manage to pay off your mortgage in time for retirement, you’ll still need to cover other homeownership costs like […]

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